[Insert some quirky greeting here because I'm sarcastic and funny]

Hay, hope you're having a good day! I'm back again to talk about my thesis progress so far!
I didn't have much of an issue deciding what the theme of my piece was going to be, but refining my meaning was a little bit of an issue. I ended up refining it, or I suppose I broadened it, to showcase 8 different types of families to convey the idea that family has a fluid definition and diverge people's idea of a family from the traditional two parent and a kid (or some kids) that live happily with a white picket fence and a cute little dog or whatever.
My reasoning for choosing this topic and relaying this message is because of personal demons I've fought since my parents got divorced and the lack of any kind of connection with biological family members. These things have caused me to feel as though I am without any family at all, and I grew hardened and hated the idea of family. But eventually I realized that my real family is made up of friends and the people who have lifted me and my mother and brother through hardships. These people may not be related to me through blood, but they are my family, and they deserve that recognition.
The types of families I'd like to display are:
-Homosexual Relationships (women and men)
-Families who Adopt
-Polyamorous Families
-"Found Family", or a family comprised of friends
-Families with a Large Amount of People/Children
-Single Parent Families
-And of course, a Nuclear (2 parent + kid(s)) Family
Alright, back to art and not words-
Since my piece will actually be a series of digital paintings, I've had to plan out 8 individual compositions. As I've previously explained in my post prior to this one, I will be using animals to symbolize each family structure I've listed. Below I have thumbnails for four of my paintings displayed (including sporadic studies and some notes):
Now, beyond the thumbnails, I've laid out some of the colors for my pieces. I've decided to use a color palette of primary colors for all of the pieces in order to represent the idea of family being something people are closely related to as a child. It's not necessarily a piece about kids, but I think that it's a very simple concept that everyone is aware of at a young age that shapes our lives.
I've settled on these pieces being printed out at 10 x 10 inches and ideally I would find frames for them. Even if I don't any border I choose would either be uniformly white or frames in primary colors (it wouldn't be even since there's only 8 pieces and not 9... but sometimes we just have to deal with that kind of stuff). I have yet to decide on a composition that I like more than the others; I'm still stuck on the sketches for the arrangements from my previous post haha, but that's okay, I may decide to change it once I display it in a gallery anyways.
I have also decided to go with a more complicated style for these pieces in order to push myself more, and provide myself more opportunities to include interesting elements to the pieces.
So far, I feel like I'm well on my way to creating a successful series and I'm excited to get it done! I still need to decide what textures and brushes I'll be using for these paintings, as well as finish actually planning the compositions and colors of the rest of the pieces (lol). I'm not at all discouraged, though!!
I honestly don't have too much additional thoughts on my pieces at the moment, I hope this was insightful enough! If there's any questions or suggestions though, feel free to inquire here! :^)
Have a pleasant day!!
This is coming along very well! Your concept is spot on, and it is something very relevant to now. I like the possible color schemes for your artworks because they are very simple, but I would just watch out with applying too much color. Remember you are making multiple works, so don't get too carried away with color, but overall this is great and I can't wait to see more.
Omg I am really excited for your pieces!! I thing they are really cute! I don't know if you did it intentionally, but from the thumbnails you have of the penguin, lion, and deer, the composition almost look like a heart from the way you positioned them and I think you should try to keep that up the other pieces you make. I'd like to know all the animals you are incorporating in these and how you'll have it displayed! Keep up the good work mate!